
We look forward to your application!

Your application

We offer classes during winter term (October through January) and summer term (April through July). Both courses of study (B.A. and M.A.) begin with the winter term in early October each year. The deadline for enrolment is September 15th. We highly recommend international applicants to contact us earlier than this deadline in order to allow time for necessary administrative preparations. Please send us your application documents, including:

  • A personal résumé explaining your study interest and professional plans
  • Authenticated copies of credentials from your previous formal education
  • A curriculum vitae, including a brief spiritual autobiography 
  • A letter of reference from a person who knows you well

The entrance qualification for a University of Applied Science such as our school is the "Abitur", the "Fachhochschulreife" or their international equivalents for both. International students who want to study for a bachelor’s degree at any University of Applied Sciences in the county of Baden-Württemberg have to apply for a certificate of university entrance qualification at the Ausländerstudienkolleg Konstanz (ASK).Their website offers various services to help in questions involving application, certification etc. in both German and English languages.

Please send your application documents including your credentials to the postal address stated below. From the Ausländerstudienkolleg Konstanz you will receive the so called ASK-certificate, which then needs to be included in the application material that is sent to Reutlingen School of Theology.

Fachhochschule Konstanz
Ausländerstudienkolleg (ASK)
Postfach 77 29
Brauneggerstrasse 55
D-78462 Konstanz